Personal care at Pinewood Residential Home

Care Staff

Pinewood's prides itself in having an excellent team of care staff who are friendly, helpful, understanding, qualified and who respect the needs of each individual resident fully.

Philosophy Of Care.

Pinewood is most importantly, a Home for the residents who reside with us. For that purpose, it is extremely important to us that residents are allowed freedom of choice, opportunity for self-expression and protection from abuse of any kind. Residents can plan their days as they wish, wear what they want and either remain in their rooms or mix with other residents as they choose.

Life in Pinewood is a positive experience in which residents, where possible, are enabled to do more and not less with their lives; to exercise more control and choice; to live in dignity and privacy and finally to have their basic human rights safeguarded.

You find out more information about Pinewood's Philosophy Of Care by reading its Statement Of Purpose. Click here to view the document in Microsoft Word.

"It is extremely important to us that residents are allowed freedom of choice, opportunity for self-expression and protection from abuse of any kind. Residents can plan their days as they wish, wear what they want and either remain in their rooms or mix with other residents as they choose."

Resident care planning

It is the aim of Pinewood to provide its residents with the best care possible.  A plan of how residents will be cared for at Pinewood (known as a “care plan”) is created within 12 hours of a resident’s admission to the home.  Wherever possible, residents care plans are drafted in consultation with residents, their care managers or relatives (the “Care Team”).  Care plans are updated on a monthly basis and the Care Team is consulted on the update whenever possible (members of the Care Team will be asked to sign care plans when possible in order to confirm that they have been consulted).


The Care Quality Commission supervises our compliance to the National Care Standards. Their contact details are:

Care Quality Commission
National Correspondence
Newcastle upon Tyne

Telephone: 03000 616161

You can view a copy of the Home's latest inspection report by clicking on the link given in the CQC Widget to the left.

Pinewood prides itself in having an excellent team of care staff who are friendly, helpful, understanding, qualified and who respect the needs of each individual resident fully.
Pinewood is most importantly, a Home for the residents who reside with us. For that purpose, it is extremely important to us that residents are allowed freedom of choice, opportunity for self-expression and protection from abuse of any kind. Residents can plan their days as they wish, wear what they want and either remain in their rooms or mix with other residents as they choose.
It is extremely important to us that residents are allowed freedom of choice, opportunity for self-expression and protection from abuse of any kind. Residents can plan their days as they wish, wear what they want and either remain in their rooms or mix with other residents as they choose.
Great friendships are made at Pinewood

Our Services

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